Friday, July 26, 2013


A friend of a friend (there are not enough scare quotes in the world to distance myself from either) shared this in his Facebook newsfeed:

To counteract the turning of my stomach and the crawling of my skin and the running of shivers down my spine and a whole other host of aches and ailments I have since been struck with, come down with, and fallen prey to, I think I ought to provide a list of a semi-decent human beings named George or a variant of George. So, move over Zimmerman, Wallace, Bushes, Romney, et al.:

Yuri Norstein
Jürgen Habermas
György Lukács
Jiří Trnka
Georgia Hubley
Joris Ivens
George Winston Lee
Jorge Luis Borges
George Michael Bluth
Georges Méliès
Georges-Pierre Seurat
George Eliot
Yuri Lotman
Georges Perec

And, in conclusion: Xurxo is, supposedly, the Galician version of George. Fucking awesome.

1 comment:

  1. glad you gave us some positive Georges along with the reminders of the terrible ones.
